What are editors?
Editors are a way create re-usable interfaces of panels, with their expect messages and expect buttons callbacks handling to allow you to show something to an user or edit a variable, object, or something else
As you already know by LGH Hirarchy, editors has their own space there, the reason why we need to make them separate is simple:
You still need to know who is the caller of the editor it's so can correctly handle like a possible variable change
Let's begin from the most useful of the editors, MessageMaker
, that allow the user to modify a customMessage object and then also to send it as a telegram message
That's how rules.js
uses that (some code not interested has been suppressed):
const LGHelpTemplate = require("../GHbot.js");
const {sendCommandReply, waitReplyForChat, unsetWaitReply} = require( "../api/utils/utils.js" );
const MSGMK = require( "../api/editors/MessageMaker.js" )
function main(args)
const GHbot = new LGHelpTemplate(args);
const {TGbot, db, config} = GHbot;
GHbot.onMessage( async (msg, chat, user) => {
//check if it's our callback
if(!chat.isGroup) return;
if( !(msg.waitingReply && msg.waitingReply.startsWith("S_RULES")) ) return;
* rules never expect for other messages
* so we can give it all directly to MessageMaker hands
var customMessage = await MSGMK.messageEvent(GHbot, db, chat.rules, msg, chat, user, "S_RULES");
//then if customMessage has an update, we save that
chat.rules = customMessage;
} )
GHbot.onCallback( (cb, chat, user) => {
var msg = cb.message;
var lang = user.lang;
//check if it's our callback
if(!chat.isGroup) return;
if( !cb.data.startsWith("S_RULES")) return;
//from rules panel we add a button to access MessageMaker
if( cb.data.startsWith("S_RULES_BUTTON:") )
GHbot.editMessageText( user.id, l[lang].RULES_SETTING, {
reply_markup : {inline_keyboard :[
text: l[lang].RULES_CHANGE_BUTTON,
//we give a button to access MessageMaker
callback_data: "S_RULES#MSGMK:"+chat.id
GHbot.answerCallbackQuery(user.id, cb.id);
//we listen here back for requested MessageMaker accesses
if( cb.data.startsWith("S_RULES#MSGMK") )
var returnButtons = [[{text: l[lang].BACK_BUTTON, callback_data: "S_RULES_BUTTON:"+chat.id}]];
var title = l[lang].REGULATION;
var msgTitle = l[lang].RULES_TITLE;
//giving the buttons handling to MessageMaker hands
var customMessage = MSGMK.callbackEvent(GHbot, db, chat.rules, cb, chat, user, "S_RULES", returnButtons, title, msgTitle)
//then if customMessage has an update, we save that
chat.rules = customMessage;
module.exports = main;
The access point of MessageMaker is trough buttons callbacks, but it works then with the user also by expecting messages, so we need to forward also them