As you may have seen by many examples, an object that we always get is db (database)
const LGHelpTemplate = require("../GHbot.js")
function main(args)
const GHbot = new LGHelpTemplate(args);
const {TGbot, db, config} = GHbot;
module.exports = main;
Database is the core of LibreGroupHelp to store chat and users data, as to the privacy implications of that we aim to minimize the amount of sensitive data there and anyway we keep in mind that the user should be able to remove any trace of him there
Database usage
Currently database let you control chats and users using same interface of functions
You are supposed to use update
method everytime you want to apply changes to one of them
const LGHelpTemplate = require("../GHbot.js")
function main(args)
const GHbot = new LGHelpTemplate(args);
const {TGbot, db, config} = GHbot;
GHbot.onMessage( (msg, chat, user) => {
if(!chat.isGroup) return;
if( msg.text == "/antiflood kind" )
chat.flood.messages = 8;
chat.flood.time = 10;
db.chats.update(chat); //apply changes to database
GHbot.sendMessage(,, "Antiflood set to be kind" );
else if( msg.text == "/antiflood hard" )
chat.flood.messages = 3;
chat.flood.time = 5;
db.chats.update(chat); //apply changes to database
GHbot.sendMessage(,, "Antiflood set to be hard" );
if( msg.text == "/anonymize" )
user.first_name = "anonymous"
user.last_name = "anonymous"
db.users.update(users); //apply changes to database
GHbot.sendMessage(,, "Anonymized successfully" );
} )
module.exports = main;
Note: as written on Known issues there are a problem with chats interface of database wich gives a reference copy of a LGHChat object, that's mean that it may be eventually stored on database even without update
functions, fixing this would require some code refacory, you should still follow the rule of using update
to confirm changes, if you need to apply only temporary changes of an LGHChat object please make a deep copy